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Operating Systems 2021-2 by Stefanus Ndaru Wedhatama
These are the top 10 links that helped me through this first week.
Though there are only 5, I can attest you that they are helpful.
If I have the time, I might add some more.
Bash Scripting Tutorial Link
Are you new to bash scripting? Do you not know anything on how to create a good script? Well this website is for you. It gives you the basic overview on how to use bash and some key information regarding it. It also gives examples by showing how it runs on linux.
Beginners Guide to Nano Link
Is vi too hard for you? Do you want a much easier to use text editor? Then nano is for you. Nano, in my opinion, is a much better and easier to use terminal text editor than vi. This website provides you the key information on how to use nano.
Beginners Guide to Vi Link
Do you prefer vi over nano? Well I’m not here to judge, but to help you. This website provides you the key information and basic shortcuts on how to use the terminal text editor vi. Personally I prefer nano than vi, but this website should help you get a hang of it. Online Markdown Editor Link
Dillinger is an online markdown language renderer. There will be two columns, on the left you write the code, and the website will render it on real-time on the right. I use this website to create this github page that you are viewing right now. Dillinger already wrote a lot and you can use this as reference to see how to create tables, create links, and the sort.
Learn Regex Link
REGEX! I hate it, you hate it, we hate it, but it is useful. Hard to understand, yet we have to understand it. Luckily, this website provides a really nice explanation to regex which should help you get the hang of it, atleast for the basics.
Learn C
You will be learning about C language so the teaching assistant has given us this very amazing and interactive C tutorial on discord and I found it to be really helpful and informative. Go try it out now!
Learn SH vs BASH
I had problems this week because I can’t tell the difference between sh and bash. Apparently, they are different! It’s recommended to use bash since it’s an iteration of sh. This website gives a brief explanation
Learn Little vs Big Endian
This week you will be learning about addressing and memory especially using C language. One of the most important aspect is the memory structure, little or big endian. This website will give you a brief yet great explanation of the difference between the two.
Chapter 9: Main Memory
Chapter 10: Virtual Memory
This week you will be learning about memory management including paging and the sort. I couldn’t find any better material for this week and since this is too specialize, you have to rely on previous semester’s exam questions. I will provide the link that explain this week’s material above.
fork() Link
This week you will be learning about forking in C language. A lot of the materials and details are explained and given through the weekly demo. This link will only give you a brief summary on what it is and how it works. Don’t expect to great knowledge as this is just an introduction, the rest is on the weekly demos.
Process Synchronization - Guru99 Link
This week you will be learning about synchronization. We will be discussing a lot regarding Critical Section which leads towards the so-called race condition. This website should give some early help regarding this issue.
LFS Link
To be fair, there’s not much link or website out there that explains the process of installing LFS better or more detailed than the original LFS link, so here’s the LFS link. Be sure to read EVERYTHING because I saw several key information that are easily skippable